In Gotham City, Batman (Val Kilmer) saves a guard from Two-Face (Tommy Lee Jones), the alter ego of the disfigured former district attorney, Harvey Dent. They are locked in an acid-filled safe suspended from a helicopter. Using the security guard's hearing aid, Batman unlocks the safe. Harvey kills the helicopter's pilot, trying to get Batman, forcing he and the Dark Knight to flee from the ensuing explosion on the Statue of Liberty. Meanwhile, Wayne Enterprises researcher Edward Nygma (Jim Carrey), who's obsessed with Bruce Wayne, develops a device to beam television directly to a person's brain. Bruce rejects the invention on the grounds that such intrusive technology raises too many questions and Edward's supervisor, Fred Stickley (Ed Begley, Jr.) attempts to terminate the project. Now angered by Bruce, Edward tests the machine on Stickley, kills him and resigns from his position, leaving a riddle behind.
Bruce meets psychiatrist Dr. Chase Meridian (Nicole Kidman) and invites her to a charity circus event. Harvey Two-Face and his henchmen storm the event in an attempt to discover Batman's secret identity, rigging an orb containing TNT to go off in 2 minutes. Bruce tries to reveal himself to Harvey, who cannot hear him in the pandemonium. Bruce and a family of acrobats called The Flying Graysons help out but the Graysons are killed by Two-Face, with a flip of his coin. Their youngest member, Dick (Chris O'Donnell), survives and throws Two-Face's bomb into the river. Assuming responsibility for Dick, Bruce allows him to stay at Wayne Manor. Dick declares his intention to kill Two-Face and avenge his family's murder, and when he discovers Bruce's secret identity as Batman, he insists on becoming his partner. Bruce, however, turns Dick down. Despite his master's wishes, Bruce's loyal butler Alfred (Michael Gough) provides guidance and counsel to Dick relating to his desire to follow Bruce's path.
Edward, meanwhile, becomes the Riddler, allying with Two-Face and promising to discover Batman's identity—he sends Bruce two additional riddles. Having been mass produced (capital coming from robberies with Two-Face) and become popular, Edward's device, the Box, has a unique side-effect allowing him to access its users' brainwaves and enabling him to discover every secret they possess, enhancing his own intelligence and knowledge in the process. Unveiling an advanced device at a business party, Edward is able to discover Bruce's secret identity. Two-Face attacks the party and nearly buries Batman alive, but Dick saves his life. Continuing to turn down Dick's offer, Bruce gives up his post as the Dark Knight to discourage Dick, and pursues a relationship with Chase, whom he plans to tell his secret to. Disheartened by Bruce's plans, Dick takes his leave. However, Two-Face and the Riddler later infiltrate Wayne Manor on Halloween just after Bruce has revealed his identity to Chase. The Riddler enters the Batcave and destroys most of the equipment, and he and Harvey kidnap Chase after Bruce is grazed on the head by a gunshot from Two-Face (tails on his coin), though the Riddler stops Two-Face from killing him. They also leave Bruce a final riddle and detain Chase in the Riddler's lair.
After solving the last riddle and using all the answers to determine who Riddler is, Bruce dons his only surviving Batsuit (an untested prototype) and prepares to confront his enemies. When Dick returns in a costume made by Alfred, telling Batman his hero name is "Robin", Batman finally accepts him as his partner. Batman and Robin locate the Riddler's lair, where the two are separated upon reaching the island. Robin engages Two-Face in a duel, nearly knocking the villain to his death. Robin shows mercy and aids Harvey, but is taken hostage. Batman is able to successfully infiltrate the tower, whereupon the Riddler reveals Robin and Chase are both held hostage, bound and gagged in giant jars above a pit of water and metal spikes. The Riddler tells Batman he may only save one hostage, but realizing that they are likely all doomed regardless of who he chooses, he stalls the Riddler with a riddle of his own, using the distraction to destroy the brain wave-collecting device, reversing its effect on the Riddler and sending him into a mental breakdown in the process. Batman is able to rescue Robin and Chase from falling to their deaths, only to find Two-Face holding them at gunpoint. After tricking Harvey into using his coin, Batman tosses a handful of silver dollars as he flips it in mid-air. Two-Face is confused and falls to his death. The Riddler/Edward is sent to Arkham Asylum, and Chase is asked to consult on his case. Edward offers to reveal the identity of Batman to her—only to claim that he is Batman, showing he has truly become insane. Chase tells Bruce his secret is safe, and they kiss before Chase departs.
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