Six months after the events of Underworld: Evolution, humans captured the priority vampire target: Selene, during "The Purge", a global military crusade to exterminate Vampires and Lycans after mankind learns of their existence. Humans call them "Non-Humans" and "the Infected." During their crusade, vampires have waged guerrilla warfares against the government of their country, but the humans have overrun their clans and their tribes, forcing survivors to hide underground, resisting the occupation on their own.
Twelve years later, human governments have concluded the brutal genocidal campaigns against the vampires and lycans. They have annihilated 95% of the vampire race, and believe the lycans are extinct. Selene, dubbed "Subject 1", is freed from cryogenic suspension by "Subject 2" and escapes the medical corporation named Antigen. The corporation is ostensibly trying to make an antidote for the virus that creates vampires and lycans. Selene starts to have strange visions after her escape, which she follows, believing them to be linked to her lover, the vampire-lycan hybrid Michael Corvin. The visions lead her into a building where she encounters David, a fellow vampire resistance fighter. While talking to David, Selene has another vision. Following the vision, she discovers not Michael, but a young girl called only as "Subject 2," also known as Eve, later revealed to be a hybrid and the daughter of Selene and Michael. David, noting that Eve (Subject 2) has been injured by the lycans and is somehow not healing, takes them to his coven. David's father, Thomas, does not welcome Selene and Eve. Blaming Selene for provoking the destruction of the vampire race, he stuns her with the news that Michael died twelve years ago. A vampire woman offers some of her blood to the wounded Eve, which she refuses to drink at first, implying that she has never drunk blood before. With Selene's encouragement, she accepts the gift and heals extremely quickly....
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