Adam (Leigh Whannell), a photographer, awakens in a water-filled tub and finds himself in a disused bathroom along with Dr. Lawrence Gordon (Cary Elwes), an oncologist. Both men are chained at the ankle to the pipes at opposite ends of the room. Lying between them is a corpse in a small pool of blood holding a revolver and a microcassette recorder. Adam and Lawrence learn from tapes in their pockets that Adam must escape the bathroom, while Lawrence must kill Adam before six o'clock, or he will lose his wife and daughter and be left to die. Lawrence's tape also implies that the corpse between them was a similar victim who shot himself before succumbing to the effects of a poison. They find a bag containing two hacksaws, though neither is able to cut through the chains. Lawrence realizes that the saws are meant to be used on their feet...
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