Casey, Mazasuka and Namiko attend a traditional martial arts school in Japan. Casey is an American who found shelter there as an orphan, Mazasuka is a very ambitious student, and Namiko, besides being an accomplished student, is their sensei's only child.
Casey's eagerness to master bushido is evident for he is self-driven to practice from dawn until dusk. Because of his deep concentration, he is unaware that Mazasuka watches him all the time. Although Mazasuka tries to practice harder and longer than Casey, Namiko is taken to the American.
One day Mazasuka spies on Namiko flirting with Casey. Later on, Namiko's father advises all his assembled students to appreciate both Mazasuka and Casey as role models. The jealous Mazasuka visits Casey in his room that night to debase him, and Casey is provoked on hearing offending remarks about his family background....

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